The overflowing goodness of God directed toward us is one way of thinking of our relationship with God. (it's all grace, in other words.) The funny thing is how easy it is to miss it. We are happy to talk incessantly, and passionately, about our problems, who did what when (or didn't, as the case may be) or what should have happened. But how easily do we talk about goodness, and how often, and how passionately? This is not to miss the gravity of the problems at times in our lives, but the good is always there, although unrecognised while we talk about the negative.
Could you name the 5 greatest gifts in your life? Imagine if we focused on them instead, and gave the problems the time and energy they needed to be resolved, and no more. Imagine making the giftedness of life the centre we lived out of. Making the greatest gifts the focus changes our perspective on life (but only in a profound way if they are worthy of the appellation 'greatest').
And similar to the steak knives adverts on TV, there is more. God wants to give us even more. Ask and it shall be given, knock ... who gives a snake ... etc. Another level of living that is more human for it is received from the age to come. (In case that is a bit esoteric, I am talking about the Spirit.)