Monday, 12 May 2008

For those who have read the previous post it was written for the webpage of Blackwood online, an online service for the businesses and community groups of Blackwood and Belair. (It should be on the web page this week.) It is an attempt to talk about the Trinity and the non-competitive God mentioned in previous posts. The doctrine of the Trinity is trying to tell us that identity and relationship are not in conflict or competition. To use traditional language and concepts, God is Father eternally, the significance of which is that the identity of God as Father is eternally linked to the Father's relationship to the Son. God is never not the Father (implying a Son), so identity and relationship come together in naming God as Father. And although couched in masculine language, this is a very non-patriarchal view of God. And, of course, the reason God can carry our self-offering is because God is not in competition with us. God is 'disinterested' as the spirituality traditions of the church affirm.

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