The Inaugural Adelaide Anglican Blog Conference is taking shape. The titles of the seven posts that will be published over the course of the conference are as follows:
'Inspiration, Inerrancy and Biblical Authority: Some Thoughts for those Navigating Treacherous Waters' (Right Revd Dr Stephen Pickard)
The Wisdom of Ants and the Storehouses of Snow: Fresh Readings of the Bible For a Planet in Peril. (Dr Lucy Larkin)
Penned, Pinned, or Patronized - the Word of God and Human Presumption (Revd Barbara Messner)
The Bible: The Living Word or a Golden Calf (The Very Revd Dr Steven Ogden)
Just How Plain is the "Plain Sense" of Scripture? (Revd Dr Phillip Tolliday)
A Seamless Garment: Reading Scripture as a Whole from the Whole. (Revd Dr Warren Huffa)
This promises to be an important contribution to the debate about Scripture in the Anglican Communion, emanating from little old Adelaide! And it all begins February 27, 2009.
Looking at the Titles, I'm really loooking forward to this.