Monday, 10 March 2025

Ann Nadge, a poet I know, has distilled some of the posts from this blog into poetry. She has used my words verbatim, captured the essence of the post, and moulded it into a poet's vision. This is the first of more to be published over the course of the year.

This poem is from an original post on 28th March 2020 that was written at the beginning of COVID-19.

 Lazarus, a figure of conversion 
life of discipleship, moves 
from life to death to a life given back. 
So too, we move deeper 
into God’s love - movement 
from life to death to a life renewed 
in daily dying and rising with Christ. 
We die to the false self, in Christ 
receive a renewed sense of self. 
Imagine Lazarus smelling the roses 
after he was raised, living the gift 
of life despite the dark times. 
We too are called to smell the roses 
for we have gained our lives, 
not lost them. 
Whatever cross you bear 
there is a flower on your path 
just waiting to be noticed. 
Live the gift of life given back, 
live it as the gift it is.

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