Thursday, 6 March 2025

Lent is a Season of Repentance

 Lent is the season of truth. And this through repentance. And by repentance I don't mean the human effort to clear the decks of the bad things we have done so we can have a relationship with God. That would mean that we don't need God when we are at our lowest. The Gospel is that we are saved at our lowest ebb. That's why it is grace and why it is freedom. But, if Lent is the season of repentance, does that mean we are spending six weeks finding misdemeanours to repent of? That's part of it, of course, but that sounds more like the work of private or congregational confession and absolution. So repentance is the confession, with a truly penitent heart, that "I did this."  But it is more also. Repentance includes digging down and recognising and acknowledging who we truly are. What we really are like. Deep down. In our fears. In our malice, in our egotism, etc. To be able to say, at the end of Lent, "So, I'm like this" is the goal. 

So repentance is also about who we are, not just what we did or didn't do. Perhaps even more about the who rather than the what. And in recognising who we are, we touch our deep need for God and who God is calling us to be. (There is a parallel here to sin as not just actions or omissions. Sin also refers to the distortions that live in me that need healing.) And, so, this is why Lent is about the truth. The truth about ourselves. (And remember, we do this with God's love and acceptance with us now, as we come to face the truth.) The one who God desires is you and me, as we actually are, not a fictionalized version. Let us reacquaint ourselves with our true self this Lent.

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